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Level 6 Lightworker Practitioner Certification
Introduction to Lightworker Practitioner Training
Discover Lightworking (40:44)
Course Prospectus
Sharing & Connecting
Training Manuals
Practical Hours Record
Module 6.1
Level 6 Training Manual
Student Goals (1:36)
My Level 6 Goals
Honesty (7:26)
Advanced Holistic Diagnosis (12:06)
Module 6.2
Openmindedness (9:54)
Advanced Holistic Diagnosis for the Crown Chakra (1) (17:09)
Lightfilled Yoga for The Crown Chakra (26:27)
Module 6.3
Willingness (6:29)
Advanced Holistic Diagnosis for Third Eye Chakra (15:38)
Lightfilled Yoga for Third Eye Chakra (20:14)
Quiz 21
Module 6.4
Forgiveness (7:31)
Advanced Holistic Diagnosis for the Throat Chakra (16:59)
Lightfilled Yoga for the Throat Chakra (20:11)
Module 6.5
Unity (7:30)
Advanced Holistic Diagnosis for the Ear Chakras (15:26)
Lightfilled Yoga for the Ear Chakras (25:30)
Module 6.6
Discipline (5:40)
Advanced Holistic Diagnosis for the Heart Chakra (12:20)
Lightfilled Yoga for the Heart Chakra (17:30)
Quiz 22
Module 6.7
Faith (9:21)
Advanced Holistic Diagnosis for the Solar Plexus Chakra (16:20)
Lightfilled Yoga for the Solar Plexus Chakra (13:22)
Module 6.8
Responsibility (6:11)
Lightfilled Yoga for the Sacral Chakra (14:55)
Advanced Holistic Diagnosis for the Sacral Chakra (12:50)
Module 6.9
Advanced Holistic Diagnosis for the Base Chakra (14:34)
Lightfilled Yoga for the Base Chakra (14:20)
Quiz 23
Love (4:09)
Module 6.10
Wholeness (5:04)
Lightfilled Exercise & Holistic Diagnosis Integration (15:38)
Releasing Resistance (14:12)
Module 6.11
Joy (8:25)
Lightfilled Healing (12:06)
Lightfilled Death & Dying (5:13)
Resolving Sabotage (15:29)
Module 6.12
Peace (8:29)
Lightfilled Eating (7:40)
Lightfilled Body Work (9:50)
Review of Goals (1:04)
Review of My Level 6 Goals
Quiz 24
Congratulations (0:35)
Practical Hours Record
Level 6 Course Feedback Form
Quiz 23
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