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Each of us is an Everyday Lightworker, and The Everyday Lightworker Bibles revolutionary way of thinking will transform the planet into a completely different vibration and consciousness. We are all here to assist each other in evolving, so why not start believing now? The Everyday Lightworker Bible will assist you in accessing your own enlightenment. Welcome to the future. Its a new dawn, its a new life, its a new Bible.
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What if you awoke one morning to discover yourself having a chat to a humble intergalactic being? Not only that, what if this being was from a completely different universe and they had led you there to show you the answers to lifes most profound and mysterious questions? What if this were all a true story?
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This book is designed to assist the reader in attaining higher consciousness. It includes 44 reflections. We have provided a guidance for each reflection to further support the seeker in the reasons why they may have chosen the reflection. Ideal for Conversation Starters, relationship builders, premarital value compatibility, meditation, daily guidance, confirmation of your current action, topic for philosophical dinner party discussion, evolution of consciousness, self development, therapeutic resource tool & contributing to the Lightworker Reflections 'Higher Consciousness Reflection Project'. Written by Michelle Lightworker and Tony Dowd
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Making Light Work' is a practical resource for anyone wanting to learn the basics of evolving their own higher consciousness and assisting others if they feel called to do so. This book covers the Lightworker's philosophy, 12 Principles of the Lightworker Practitioner, Spiritual Resources, Structuring a session plus an Overview of the Lightworker Practitioner Training. A Lightworker Practitioner Toolkit is also included with 15 meditations and many more tools. This is the 1st of a series of 7 training manuals written for the Lightworker Practitioner Training.
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The Lightfilled Relationship' is about relating in the light. It is about seeing the truth in how we relate. It is about igniting our spiritual vision to see the truth in our relationships with others. It is about transforming unhealthy relationships with family, friends, partners, children, ourselves, addictions and people - into Lightfilled ones. Topics include lightfilled relating with: Inner and Outer Higher Realms, Children, Family Systems, Relationships, Higher Power replacements aka Addictions, and also explores how to relate to the Other Side in a healthy manner. This is the 2nd in the series of 7 training manuals written for the Lightworker Practitioner Training.
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Transforming Darkness to Light' focuses on integration of the Lightworker's shadow, healing the body, chakras and relationships through shadow work integration. A comprehensive Lightworker toolkit is provided. 10 meditations and many other guided processes including sand tray therapy, journaling, voice dialogue, dream work, Lightfilled yoga and creative therapies are provided to support the Lightworker in their own journey and helping in others. The 15 Archangel archetypes are introduced to assist the Lightworker practitioner in balancing the lightest and darkest sides of each one. Practical tools for protection, release and transformation of darkness are included for adults, children and pets. This is the 3rd of a series of 7 training manuals written for the Lightworker Practitioner Training
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"Vibrating In The Light" is the fourth book of the Lightworker Practitioner Training series. It's aim is to educate and assist Lightworkers, healing practitioners and their clients to balance and raise their vibrational frequency. The elements of Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Spirit are discussed with practical living examples and exercises. A vibrational toolkit including meditations, visualisations, holistic diagnosis and also includes instructions and templates to assist the lightworker practitioner in creating their own flower, tree, archangel and gem elixirs. Suitable as a resource for students and teachers.
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"Playing in the Light," is the fifth book in the Lightworker Practitioner Training series by Michelle Lightworker. It is a comprehensive guide for practitioners and students in the human services, allied health and healing professions. Suited for clients of all ages, this guide offers therapeutic interventions to assist clients to heal, return to wholeness and awaken their higher consciousness. The practical step by step exercises using clay, painting and other complimentary therapies for individuals and couples are especially helpful in reducing communication barriers where narrative therapies may be limited. This guide ensures that no stone is left unturned in assisting others to be the best they can be in their lives, work, relationships, parenting and in encouraging their spirituality to soar.
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The Lightfilled Being," is the sixth book in the Lightworker Practitioner Training series by Michelle Lightworker. It offers an insight to increase the vibration of the physical body using yoga, activities, movement and dance. This guide also provides a stepping stone for practitioners and students in learning Lightfilled Holistic Diagnosis and provides a foundation to assess client's excesses/depletion in their physical, etheric and astral bodies. In order for client's to heal on all levels, they need to acknowledge their spiritual bodies as well as their physical bodies - they are interlinked. Lightfilled Healing, Lightfilled Bodywork, Lightfilled Eating and Lightfilled Death and Dying are all explored in order to understand how these principles can be applied to modern day complimentary and medical therapies/interventions.
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Living Abundant Light," is the seventh book in the Lightworker Practitioner Training series by Michelle Lightworker. This book aims to provide student and practitioners with the information and tools required to assist their clients in manifesting abundance in their lives. Skills in confronting and transforming sabotage and barriers to receiving abundance are provided. Most importantly, this book assists the reader to find and realise their life purpose and put their own stamp on new projects, workshops, training and programs. Lightfilled Marketing principles assist the practitioner in marketing and in assisting their clients to market their own businesses, projects and creations successfully. Lightfilled Co-creating concepts provide an opportunity to learn to work harmoniously with others. This training also assists with teaching children to evolve their own Higher Consciousness through Lightfilled Parenting. Aligning and spiritualising the Base Chakra, this seventh book aims to address Lightfilled Sexuality in order to ensure that clients are able to integrate their Higher Selves into their whole body and embrace their sexuality.